Health Work Committees Calls for the Immediate Protection of the Hospitals, the Health Centers and Organizations, and the Paramedics

Health Work Committees (HWC) strongly condemns the executions of the Palestinians by the Israeli occupation forces and the settlers in the occupied Palestinian territory. These executions caused the death of more than eighty martyrs and thousands have been injured and some of these injuries led to permanent disability. HWC denounces the systematic detentions including the detention of women and children.
During the Jerusalem Uprising “Al-Quds Intifada”, which has started in the beginning of October, it was noted that the international conventions, treaties and protocols, which prohibit any violence against health organizations and hospitals and entitle its protection, have been violated by the Israeli occupation. Al Makassed Islamic Charitable Society Hospital in Jerusalem, Nablus Specialty Hospital, and Health Work Committees’ Hebron Emergency Center, in the old city of Hebron, have been invaded by the Israeli Occupation Forces who intimidated its staff and patients. During the same period, there were several registered cases of kidnapping patients and the injured from hospitals by undercover Israeli forces protected by the Israeli occupation forces. The first case was registered in the city of Nablus, while the second case has occurred in Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron. The second case was brutal, as the undercover forces created a state of terror for the patients and the physicians as they executed the injured patient, Abdullah Shalaldeh and kidnapped Izzat Shalaldeh, who was an injured patient in the same hospital .
Moreover, the Palestinian paramedics have been attacked during their service in areas of conflict. Furthermore, patients have been kidnapped from the ambulances under the witness of the media. Additionally, the paramedics have been prevented from providing services for patients, who were left to bleed to death.
HWC is calling for the urgent support and solidarity with Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron and all the health centers and organizations, which have been attacked severely by the occupation forces. Thus HWC calls for:
1. The urgent need for protecting the health centers and health staff from the Israeli occupation’s attacks, which are considered war crimes that require those who are responsible for it, to be held accountable for.
2. The World Health Organization and all relevant organizations to take immediate and urgent actions to outlaw the Israeli occupation’s government for all its crimes and to put pressure on it to stop all its attacks and executions in organizations, which otherwise have its sacredness.
3. The international, national and grass-roots human rights organizations to submit lawsuit drafts to the International Criminal Court.
4. The popular committees for the protection of all the health organizations and its staff to enable them to provide their services.
5. The media to intensify its efforts on documenting and exposing the Israeli occupation’s violations.
November 12, 2015