INGOs are deeply concerned about the US announcement about Jerusalem
“The US announcement to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move its embassy to the city is an ill-advised move affecting both Palestinians and Israelis”, AIDA, a coalition of over 80 humanitarian, development and human-rights organizations working in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) stated today.
BecausethePresident’sannouncementlackedbalancebypointedlyomittingtoreciprocallyrecognize Jerusalem as Palestine’s future capital, it is likely to have dire implications for the prospect of a peacefulandjustsolutiontotheconflict,andtoincreasetheriskofviolenceforeveryonelivinginthe oPt and Israel.
AIDA said the decision will exacerbate the already flagrant pattern of violations of International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights law, and likely increase the existing grave humanitarian and development needs of Palestinians.
The US announcement effectively recognizes Israel’s unilateral annexation of East Jerusalem, which the international community and UN Security Council have consistently refused to do. According to international law, East Jerusalem is an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territory and Third States,includingtheUS,mustrefrainfromanyactionswhichmay,evenimplicitly,beseentorecognize Israel’s unlawful annexation of East Jerusalem. Furthermore, this US announcement stands in direct opposition to international law’s strict prohibition against acquiring territory byforce.
AIDA urges the US Administration to abstain from taking any additional unilateral actions which may further inflame the situation, and to focus efforts on support for a lasting peace and an end to the conflict, and to Israel’s 50 year-long occupation of the Palestinian territory.