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Home » press release »   16th May 2014Print

Health Work Committees calls for the enforcement of the right of return and the activation of the relevant international resolutions

The Palestinian People commemorates a 66 years old painful memory that resulted in the largest and the most dreadful tragedy in the modern era.
The Palestinian Nakba in 1948, the uprooting and the deportation of Palestinians from their land, at the hands of Israeli gangs, has its ongoing implications upon the refugees and the successive generations of Palestinians.
The establishment of the Israeli entity without any right on the land of the displaced Palestinians by force and arms, could not extinguish the flame of the Palestinian people’s will to return, that the Israeli politicians bid on its loss with the death of the first generation of the era, but the facts on the ground proves otherwise.
Today, the crowds of the Palestinian people and their active Palestinian organizations confirm that the right of return is an imprescriptible right, and shall not be waived in any framework as it is a collective and an individual right that represents a living memory.
Despite of the dozens of massacres, in 1948, against civilians and unarmed people, and wiping out and  demolition of nearly 500 villages and gatherings, and the displacement of nearly one million Palestinians into exile and refugee camps, many elderly still carry a vivid and detailed memory that they inherited to  their children and grandchildren.
We, at Health work Committees, and out of our national and humanitarian sense, see that the refugees’ return is an inevitable human right, and it is the entrance to end a suffering that has many consequences. The Palestinian refugee is still suffering from deprivation and expulsion, while the international community who recognized his right of return under the UN resolution 194, is still unable to force the occupation state to enforce it. This puts a lot of question marks around the absence of the international justice and who bears the responsibility for its enforcement.
We, at Health Work Committees:
1.      Call for the activation of UN resolution 194 in all international forums, and its application on the ground, in its two parts, return and compensation, without the acceptance of compensation as an alternative to return.
2.       We emphasize our rejection of all attempts of resettlement of refugees in countries of exile and refugee camps.
3.       We call for the intensification of academic programs and media that would implant the Nakba and its implications in the minds of successive generations.
4.      We call for the re-consideration of the Palestinian Cause and the right of return in its core, on the Arab and international levels to remain the real compass for justice for humanity.
5.       We ask the relevant international bodies, including the UN Relief and Works Agency, not to repudiate of its responsibilities toward the refugees and their rights and needs.
6.      We call for active participation in all relevant activities that commemorate the Nakba.